Sunday, May 10, 2009


I feel that I have learned a great deal about urban education this semester. I would say also, that I have learned some things about myself. I will be honest when I say that I came into the class thinking that I did not see myself as having a desire to teach in an urban setting. I think that this is partly because my only idea of education was my own experiences growing up in a suburban town. When I imagine myself as a teacher I imagine myself teaching in the type of setting that I grew up in. I think that after this class the unique challenges of urban education have been more clearly defined, but that this is not really a negative thing, because the potential rewards have been more clearly defined as well. Concerning what I have learned about myself I feel that I could be capable of teaching in a urban school and that it is something that I will really consider doing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!! I am so glad to hear that this class may have changed your mind about teaching in urban schools. There are so many teachers that never consider it. Newark needs great teachers to come into the city to teach and I am pretty sure you will be one of them. Newark is great and the students need teachers who will be dedicated!!
